(Note: This was
presented first at the InterWorks conference
held April 21-25, 1996 in San Diego.)
Outline For "Crafting and Maintaining a Useful Web Site"
This presentation assumes you already have a working knowledge of the
Web and HTML. It will cover some of the more advanced topics.
The abstract provides an overview of the topic
and the outline is below. Presentation slides
are available.
To learn how the Web can help improve business, please refer to our paper
titled "Business Case for a Web Site",
which is also on this Web site.
Crafting and Maintaining a Useful Web Site
- Introduction
- What Will We Cover?
- General Guidance
- On-line Friendliness
- Testing
- Graphics Issues
- Specific Techniques
- Were Will We Get?
- Technology Developing
- Rapidly Out Of Date
- Big Job
- Takes Proper Training, Time
- Allocate Resources or Outsource
- General Guidance
- On-line Friendliness
- Testing
- Be Aware of Browsers
- Render Differently
- Check Logs
- History from InterWorks Logs (Details)
- Tables
- Java
- Backgrounds (keep it simple)
- Font Specifications
- Page Formatting (<CENTER> vs ALIGN=CENTER)
- Image Maps - Alternate Methods
- Plug-ins
- "newstuff" - Watch for More
- Multi-test for Equipment Differences
- Broken Links
- Syntax Errors & Changes
- Graphics Issues
- Bandwidth Conservation Society Site
- ALT Attribute
- Watch Number of Graphics and Size of Graphics
- Watch out for HEIGHT and WIDTH on IMG Tags
- Image Maps vs Text
- Big IMGs of Bulleted Lists
- Align Attribute (MIDDLE)
- Watch for New Standards, PNG
- Specific Techniques
- Are We There Yet?
This presentation was prepared by Artronic Development for the benefit of our
prospective clients and our associates.
(Updated 05 APR 96)