(Note: This
will be
presented first at the
InterWorks conference
March 6-11, 1999
in Chicago, IL.)
Outline For "Website Tips and Examples"
This presentation assumes you already have a working knowledge of the
Web and HTML. It will cover some of the more advanced topics.
The abstract provides an overview of the topic
and the outline is below. Presentation slides
are available.
Other presentations covering related material are
available on this Web site.
- Introduction
- Some sample scripts
- Transform strings in Web pages (fixstring)
- Replace blocks of lines in Web pages (fixblock)
- Page cleanup (demsify)
- Summarize monthly lines from wwwstat (logrollup)
- Combine multiple domain log files (munglog)
- Other places to look
- Methods for providing dynamic content
- Select template page based on domain name (pickpage)
- Select template from CGI
- Regenerate images used on static pages
- Via CGI
- Periodic computation
- Site architecture and mirroring considerations
- Provide an index page for each directory
- Provide a directory for each topic
- Don't mix functions
- Crosslinks
- A directory for Images
- Mirroring implications
- Slash or relative links (vs domain-specific)
- Places non-domain-specific links hurt
- Unmirrored subdirectories
- Log files
- Private files
- Server-specific config files (watch changes)
- Permissions
- For all maintainers
- For mirror process
- For Web server
- Common path access to supporting files
- Authfiles
- CGI files
- Application config files
- Compatible versions of installed programs
- Wrap up
Selected Web References in this presentation (for people with printed copies)
- Full paper for this presentation
- HTML 4.0 Specification
- Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN)
- Apache HTTP Server Project
This presentation was prepared by Artronic Development for the benefit of our
prospective clients and our associates.
To learn more about the Web, please refer to the
other papers which are also on
this Web site.
(Updated 04 MAR 99)