Artronic Development (ARDE)

Website Tips and Examples

David W. Eaton
Artronic Development
4848 E. Cactus Rd. - Suite 505-224
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
March 1999


This on-going look at the Web and site-crafting techniques will look at site architecture and some ways to provide dynamic content.

This presentation will help you learn:

  1. Some sample scripts which may be used when building your Web site
  2. Methods for providing dynamic content from otherwise static pages
  3. Some site architecture and mirroring considerations


In this fourth Web-related presentation, Dave will discuss some techniques which may be used for building Web pages with unique requirements such as page content which vary depending upon the URL used for access. Also to be covered are some suggestions for site architecture and items to be considered when you need to mirror your site.

Some specific scripts will be offered as examples for your own use.

As time permits, we will discuss current trends on the Web and try to find answers to questions you bring up at this session.

Biographical Sketch:

Dave Eaton operates his own business, which specializes in Web crafting, hosting, and consulting. He has been creating and maintaining Web sites since mid-1994. He provided assistance on the Interex Web site and is the "Webmaster" for numerous other sites.

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(Updated 08 Aug 2004)